The MCFAN HR300 is a device that allows easy observation and measurement of blood fluidity, which previously required complicated operations.
MCFAN HR300The MCFAN HR300 is a device that allows easy observation and measurement of blood fluidity, which previously required complicated operations.
The capillary was artificially reproduced by digging a minute groove with a width of 6 to 7 microns, which is the same as that of a capillary, and pressing it onto a glass substrate.
Disposable chipThe capillary was artificially reproduced by digging a minute groove with a width of 6 to 7 microns, which is the same as that of a capillary, and pressing it onto a glass substrate.
Disposable tips and pipette tips relieve you of complicated operations.
Pipette tipDisposable tips and pipette tips relieve you of complicated operations.
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